I recently got new business cards made. They have garnered a few laughs and sparked some conversations. However, I am ready to transition to a new position where I get paid regularly and can contribute to my retirement. As I recount the myriad projects I have worked on, my resume might look disjointed or a little puzzling to some. I have acquired many skills and experience in many areas during my almost 30 years of employment. It is hard to put it down on paper or describe my work to a potential employer.
Years ago, I collaborated with a man who always believed in me. When I made a mistake, he did not scold me but helped me to figure out the answer. I barely understood him with his thick Louisiana accent and my Australian ear. However, each year, we would come together to carry out a large project in a short amount of time. Over the years, he provided references for me and stood up when I needed defending. His business card just said, “Man of Action.” When you needed to get something done, you would hire him. I was inspired by him and his title and was devastated by his untimely passing.
For a dozen or so years, I have worked as a consultant, managing projects, putting out fires, and finding solutions to seemingly impossible issues. I have helped many small businesses with their marketing and communications and coached others on where to go. One area that has kept me busy is resolving sizeable real estate development issues, some with incredible outcomes and others that have left me lying flat under the proverbial bus. I have thick skin that has been tested over time, but have it be known that I do keep a list. I am proud of my work.
‘It always seems impossible until it’s done.’ - Nelson Mandela
It has not always been hard as I have also had the opportunity to help with some inspiring projects that were both challenging and fun. I have rarely received accolades for my work, but I feel like I have had my wins and always stayed true to myself. I have developed my leadership style, and I think my employees over the years would say that I am good to work with.
People rarely ask me how I am doing, and sometimes I wonder why. I assume they think I am fine as I am joyful, fearless, and unapologetic. I do have some great friends who know me well and they are incredibly supportive and keep me grounded. I have been told I am “flighty” as I have hopped around from project to project, but I was just taking care of aging parents in Australia. Have you ever tried to have a normal job that lets you take unknown amounts of time off halfway around the world? Now that my parents are resting peacefully, I can move ahead.
Everyone has been saying it’s a jobseekers market. I had hoped that the many contacts and relationships I have built over time would help me find new work. Unfortunately, I feel that now that I do not have a position of interest to them, they do not need me anymore, or my positive brain says that they are just too busy with their own lives and work. There have been offers to “catch up soon” or “grab tea or a drink,” but rarely do we gather. So, I need to reconsider my options.
I am grateful to have a unique mind that can produce many ideas and solutions and act on them quickly. My worst habit is sometimes interrupting people when they speak because I cannot keep an idea in. Despite my age (50 is the new thirty!) I love using technology to create efficiency; I have a lot of energy and can lift heavy things. I want to work hard to innovate, solve problems, and find solutions. Here I am, a Woman of Action who needs a job and is wishing for a mentor or leader as great as that man.